In the past years, we have noticed a huge change in marketing because more and more stores and businesses are investing in their online image, which has caused a worldwide need for UX/UI designers.
However, German web design stands from the rest because it is filled with common German values, which have captivated clients and companies all around the globe, making more and more German UX/UI designers to have a steady workflow. Today I would like to talk about these German virtues applied to our German Web Design style and why clients and companies are looking for this kind of UX/UI service.
The Issue With Web Design Today
Despite being a highly demanded profession these days, web designers are often underestimated and underpaid.
The reason is that many businessmen and women around the world need to launch their sites quickly, so they pay for the lowest rate possible or choose website generators like Wix and Weebly to build a site in just hours.
Website generators are useful, but only for simple projects. Would you buy from an online shop that doesn’t even have a proper domain? Would you request a service from a site that is poorly built?
It’s important to make yourself these questions before choosing a web generator instead of a professional web designer from Germany, or pretty much anywhere else.
You see, these tools come with a lot of predetermined web themes, some can be edited slightly, but they are fixed structures. They won’t fully adapt to the design you have in mind, and they probably won’t be memorable either.
The issue with web design today is that many people around the world want to have a successful online business, but they don’t fully comprehend all the work that’s behind it.
You must know:
- Who is your user persona
- What are your brand’s colors and values
- What texts convert more and faster for this kind of site
- How to make your home page appealing to make visitors stay for longer than 10 seconds
- How to display all the site’s or app’s sections so the user doesn’t feel confused, bored, or challenged
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. All those things can’t be done by a predetermined template, nor can be solved through the website generator customer support.
Also, I have noticed that many freelancers call themselves web developers and UX/UI designers, but they don’t offer references for their jobs.
That along with their very low prices tells me that there is a niche of people interested in low-budget services, but also tells me that they are getting those services from unprofessional people.
Let’s create progress together.
Why Are German Web Designers So Demanded?
Within the years I have worked as a web designer, I have noticed that German web designers have grown their demand, and it is due to the values of the German folks that are applied to their work.
Experts explain that the German people have remained stoic through many changes and terrible events in history, and have been able to adapt and evolve successfully from those dark times over and over again.
And that resilience that has endured through generations, has also forged the values that make us professional and respectful workers.
Words like pragmatische and ehrliche, pragmatic and honest, are two core values that define the German people.
And it’s also reflected on our work because we feel like it’s our duty to carry on with the task, so pragmatism has to be an imperative tool for us to reach that goal, while honesty is what helps us build strong relationships with our clients, and propose real deadlines.
There’s no point in lying about our skills or the time it will take us to finish a job because it is against everything we are and it’s simply not pragmatic.
Other core values that are reflected on German web designers are:
- Critical thinking
- Organisation
- Privacy
- Pacifism
The way I see it and experience it, critical thinking is a basic feature any web designer should have, and it’s something German UX/UI web designers know very well.
Without trained critical thinking, basically any bug or issue we face when designing a site would take down entire projects. Web designers must think fast but also have the ability to propose new approaches or solutions, not more problems or complaints.
Without organization, it will be impossible to find out what’s wrong with the design, and if you figure it out, it will be after wasting long productive hours. Besides, web designers don’t work alone, so imagine the chaos of an unorganized web structure that has to be analyzed by other 4 people.
While privacy and pacifism are virtues that you may think are not so relevant for this kind of job, in fact, is quite the opposite.
If we didn’t respect privacy, we wouldn’t understand the importance of respecting other people’s time, effort, and professionalism. We would basically invade everyone’s emails or smartphones at recreational hours, and probably disrespect other coworkers in the field
Finally, pacifism is what makes us such good team workers. German web designers are team players, so we want the job done, but we also want everyone to participate and to help each other, not to steal anybody’s leadership.
Sum It Up.
I believe German values can be spread globally to solve the issues with web design today, as I mentioned above.
I do not mean to brag, nor to dictate what other web designers should do, but I do believe that these values are important for all UX/UI designers out there. And that it will not only improve their happiness with the job they do but also its quality and their clients’ general satisfaction.